Zece pentru România – Adrian Mutu, cel mai bun sportiv

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13 Responses to “Zece pentru România – Adrian Mutu, cel mai bun sportiv”

  1. Oltean Alex Says:

    Deja l-ati uitat pe Hagi?Pe Lacatus?Pe Popescu?Pe Petrescu??

  2. nomad8k Says:

     ca bine zici 🙂

  3. SteFy SuD Says:


  4. nomad8k Says:

    adio drogatule

  5. GabrielTalentScout3 Says:

    Conoscete KICKO ? E’ lo youtube del calcio!

    Visit also the youtube of soccer: KICKO !

  6. humanumgenus Says:

    This is the trial: men have loved darkness more that the light, because their deeds are evil-Gv 3,19
    Now I want to meet you and all the good in a universal and permanent prayer all good for your heart and all that is good for the world every Monday of your life, from 20 to 21 I will be with you in spirit, with my love until the end of the world!
    No matter your religion or your atheism I am still near you in your prayers! God bless all mankind, protect you and help you throughout AMEN ALLELUIA

  7. reputumm Says:

    fiti tari baieti si aratatile la italieni ca romani sunt bravi nu cum zice ei

  8. andreeatarkan Says:

    tine-o tot asa ,adi!!!

  9. shevakakAmutu Says:

    mutu figo!!

  10. th3kinslayer Says:

    “sa bagati cel putin 10 goluri” haha.. FORZA MUTU!

  11. ciuciuciu Says:

    He’s great!

  12. ViolaGirl Says:

    forza Adrian forever 🙂


    bravo adi!